Durante la serata, hanno destato particolare entusiasmo anche i discorsi del presidente del Comitato Organizzatore del Torneo, Cristian Sala, e soprattutto dell'assessore al turismo del Comune di Rovereto, Ivo Chiesa, il quale ha sottolineato una volta di più di come il Torneo sia molto più di una rassegna sportiva, un'esperienza coinvolgente e davvero affascinante.
Ha destato altresì stupore la crew di Johnny, la quale ha avuto modo di deliziare il pubblico con una performance di break-dance.
Il Meeting si è concluso con un buffet al quale hanno partecipato tutti i presenti.
The Meeting of the Team Leaders between sport and music
During Friday night it was held the Meeting of the Team Leaders at the Auditorium Melotti, during which nations and teams participating in the twenty-ninth edition of the International Tournament "City of the Peace" were presented. The entry list of the teams presents three Japanese teams, unlike previous years when only one team represented Japan. Moreover, the team Povltavska 'F. A deserves attention, because it is theonly Czech team present in this tournament; but also the ever-present orange team Zeeburgia, well represented by seven teams, who will try to win the so-called grand chelem in the football tournament.
During the evening, they have aroused particular enthusiasm the speeches of the President of the Tournament Organizing Committee, Cristian Sala, and especially the councilor of Tourism of the Municipality of Rovereto, Ivo Chiesa, who pointed out once again how the tournament is much more than a sporting event.
It has also aroused astonishment the crew of Johnny, who has delighted the audience with a funny break-dance performance.
The Meeting concluded with a buffet attended by all present.
The Meeting of the Team Leaders between sport and music
During Friday night it was held the Meeting of the Team Leaders at the Auditorium Melotti, during which nations and teams participating in the twenty-ninth edition of the International Tournament "City of the Peace" were presented. The entry list of the teams presents three Japanese teams, unlike previous years when only one team represented Japan. Moreover, the team Povltavska 'F. A deserves attention, because it is theonly Czech team present in this tournament; but also the ever-present orange team Zeeburgia, well represented by seven teams, who will try to win the so-called grand chelem in the football tournament.
During the evening, they have aroused particular enthusiasm the speeches of the President of the Tournament Organizing Committee, Cristian Sala, and especially the councilor of Tourism of the Municipality of Rovereto, Ivo Chiesa, who pointed out once again how the tournament is much more than a sporting event.
It has also aroused astonishment the crew of Johnny, who has delighted the audience with a funny break-dance performance.
The Meeting concluded with a buffet attended by all present.
Giuseppe Francesco D'Amato
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